Gettin' friskier

Your horoscope - Week of May 24, 2010

You could be tempted to go far - very, very far. Uranus moves into your travel zone, so it isn't just a question of journeying to the other side of the world. You may want to escape Earth's atmosphere altogether. You're very tempted to go way out of your comfort zone. It's going to be a fascinating ride. There is also a Full Moon in your romance zone, so how about teaming up with an alien life form for a really different date?

Just wondering:
- Would marrying a coworker qualify for "a really different date" and "alien life form", or am I in for a real treat this week ?
- or does my 5-year-old Don Juan-nephews' request apply here:
"Come on, let's play that game where I run I after you and try to kiss you, and you won't let me?"
K: "Oh, honey, I've played that game for far too many years now, but okay.
Hunt me down then." (running off. Again.)


Leoparddrengen said…
Me thinks you need a big cat by now.
Uden Relevans said…
Nice horoscope you got there :)
kyllyan said…
hah, yeah that would make for a really different date =). Funny, I thought about putting a fun twist on that Uranus thing too, but then decided against it, thought I would be the only one noticing. You proved me wrong =).

Yeah, it's sort of fun too, I only believe in horoscopes when they're good. But these guys (gals?) at has got something good going on, often they prove true. Weird, eh?

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