
In spite of the lovely weather, I feel strangely drained for energy today.
I've got this afternoons' staffmeeting on my mind.
When they appointed me personalechef ,  I sort of thought not much would change. I have always felt responsible for things going well in the restaurant and for our guest having a good time, it comes to me naturally, and I like to try my best and love the feeling of doing a good job.
I realize I was naive, thinking that things wouldn't change much. Sure, I have more chores and more responsability, but people have changed; my workmates have changed. They're not so much mates anymore, they're less chummy and I feel like there's a distance between us, and I am a little sad about that. I realize it is probably normal but I firmly believe that giving good service to our guests starts with feeling good about working as waiters, and a good part of *that* comes from feeling good with your collegues.

Simple as that.
So this distance makes me worry; I try to see my collegues and meet them where they are, but I am afraid that I sometimes fail.
I have a few things on the agenda for the meeting today, and I am both thrilled to have the opportunity to try and motivate the staff and  maybe change a few things for the better, but also afraid I will fall through.

Our staffmeetings have never been much about dialogue, and we have never spoken much about what we could do better, how we might communicate better and so on. I realize opening up this dialogue might bring on a storm of suggestions and issues that I will have to deal with, and I don't know how to find a balance and make everybody happy. But I am hellbent on trying, I just hope I can do it in a proper way. I expect to listen a lot, but I don't know whether it is wise, and I feel like I don't know what I am doing.

There. I said it.
I don't know how to make everybody happy, and I am not sure I should even try, I am not sure it is wise to allow everybody in on certain decisions. I have a pretty clear idea as to where to draw the line and I don't think I can prepare better for opening up discussion.
But I know I will have to improvise. Which is not what I do best when it comes to people.

I think I might want to take lessons in leadership.


Annettes space said…
Jeg forestiller mig at du er en slags mellemleder ? Hvis jeg er helt gal på den, må du lige sige fra!!!
Lige posten som mellemleder er, set med mine øjne, den absolut sværeste. Du er med i gruppen og så ikke alligevel.
Flot at du vil tage at på problematikken om jeres kommunikation bl.a.. Måske oplever de andre ikke den samme distance som du gør. Men det kan du i det mindste blive klogere på.
Pøj pøj med det :-))
kyllyan said…
@annette: Jep, personalechef, dèt er vel en slags mellemleder =). Jeg har paa fornemmelsen at de andre ihvertfald oplever manglen paa kommunikation som et problem, jeg har dem jo tit paa tomandshaand, og vi snakker jo om tingene, saa jeg tror der er basis for en dialog, ogsaa under mere "ordnede forhold" som paa et moede. Jeg krydser ihvertfald fingre og goer mit bedste, saa tak for stoetten =), den varmer.
Penpal said…
Din refleksion alene vidner om dybde og indsigt. Forvirringen og tvivlen er stensikre indikatorer på at du er på rette vej. Håber ellers du har det godt :)
kyllyan said…
Tusind tak, dèn varmede. Specielt fordi det skete som jeg havde forudset at aabningen paa debatten gav udslag i en allerhewledes masse forslag (konstruktive og uigennemtaenke i èn paerevaelling) som jeg har lovet at tage stilling til. Vi gik alle hjem med uforrettet sag eftersom vi ikke havde tid at konkludere saerligt meget. Udover at der aabenbart er meget at goere og at alle er glade for at der er blevet taget hul paa det. Saa over al forventning =).
Og jo, jeg har det godt. Bedre og bedre. Har taget sin tid og vaeret haardere at komme hjem end jeg troede, men det bliver bedre og bedre og om ikke laengere over al forventning osse =).
Velkommen tilbage i oevrigt =).

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