Whoa Nick

i thought you were kidding me. Università degli studi di Milano compares the garbino wind to the föhn that induces these symptoms.

BBC Weather has this to say about it:
It is the name of the wind that blows in the European Alps, but is now used as a generic term for any similar lee wind. It gains its warmth from the air being compressed as it descends down the lee slope of a mountain and historically has been blamed for symptoms such as headaches, depression and even suicide among people living in its path.*

*Might I add: ....symptoms such as whiskeydrinking, excessive thinking, insomnia and urges to watch American Psycho for the umpteenth time...


Nix said…
Here in the Rimini when there's no one else to blame
we say: eehhh... l'è e garbein! (It's garbino's fault).
Garbino is the vernacular name for the warm 'scirocco' wind blowing from the south...
kyllyan said…
@nix: no dear, it's not the scirocco. It is the libeccio: http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Libeccio. http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garbino.
Difference is in the direction =)

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