
... my brain can't wrap itself around the fact that everyone around me speak Danish, and that I, who (modest, I know) normally speak very very well and in a very correct manner, am reduced to a spluttering, stammering freak who has not got a proper language. 

There is no way I can come up with stuff to cook. My Italian heritage suggest pasta, vegetables and my usual lighter fusion-stuff, but the climate tells me it's time for the heavier soups, pastasauces,  polenta with meat and more meat. None of it makes sense as I cannot shop as usually. I skip the precooked stuff but sorely lacks the basics, the good tomatosauces, the cuts of meat I am used to, the veggies. I know it is just a matter of time and that this will be a lovely challenge to face, to learn to use the lovely Danish veggies, to appreciate the Danish cuisine and hopefully integrate the Italian with the Danish over time. But I still have to put something in my mouth 3 times a day, so I tend to eat a lot of ryebread,  a lot of cheese (awfully good) and basically eat in a very disconnected manner. I wish I had the time now, but I'm too busy what with moving in, becoming a Danish citizen and snogging my boyfriend whom I'm with on a 24/7 basis right now. 

All of my classy sleek Italian clothes suddenly seem up-tight, too dressy and very formal. I see a lot of mish-mash of styles around; outfits I don't like and wouldn't wear but still I seem.... too sleek; too black, too pulled-together. So I hang out in my jeans, my red cowboyboots and an oversized poncho and try and pull off the shabby-chic look.  My hair's sure shabby enough, it doesn't like the Danish climate =). On another note; Danish people are very beautiful and while I might not like the outfits I see, I note a lot of creativity and care in putting them together. Blonde beauties on bikes and handsome dark guys everywhere. Gotta love it=).

I still have to find my way around. There is still so many streets, so many shops, so many things to see but at the same time I get so tired so fast. This taking in everything every day tires me. I have a hard time closing off all the inputs and all this newness, down to the smallest things; the way they won't take your coins in the supermarket, but expect you to slide them down a ramp into a machine. What is that for anyway ? Hygiene ?
At the same time it feels like a Paradise to discover, streets to roam, pictures to take (oooh, nighttime Raadhusplads, here I come), small foreign restaurants to discover and so on and so on.

The apartment and my room in it is wonderful. We raided Ikea for stuff to fill it with; my love brought me wood (birch, mmmmm) for the fireplace and I cozied up stuff with candles and a single plant. Still I have to find my stuff in it; ask myself "where did I put this or that" all the time. 

For today I have done enough. 
I've lit up all my candles, have put an enourmous pot of Tuscan bean-soup to cook on the stove, opened a bottle of wine and put on my fave wind-down music.
Have a nice night all of you, I have tons of posts to write but not tonight


Anonymous said…
Det er dejligt at faa lov til at foelge med i dine oplevelser i Danmark. Jeg spekulerer paa hvordan jeg selv ville reagere.

Leoparddrengen said…
Welcome home. I'm sure you will get the hang of it soon - and will start missing Italy for real!

The thing about coins in the supermarket (and it is mostly in fakta I believe) is to avoid robberies, I believe - and errors by the employees. Because there are no money in a traditional register, they are all inside this machine. (You might notice they also put you notes into a different slot, so they are ot of the way. And the machine determines how much you have paid, and returns the amount to be returned.)
susling said…
Fortsæt endelig med at skrive om dine oplevelser og følelser som hjemkommen. Det er spændende læsning.

Og jeg lover, at du hurtigt finder rytmen her også. Mht. mad kan det være en udfordring for kvaliteten i Danmark er gennemgående ikke god og skal den være god, så er den dyr. Men hvis du tænker lidt kreativt, så er der mange gode smagsoplevelser lige nu. F.eks. alle de gode rodfrugter og danske pærer og æbler, der er i butikkerne.
God inspiration kan du finde på De har en funktion, hvor du kan søge på en bestemt ingrediens, f.eks. rødbeder og så får du en masse forslag til gode og spændende retter.

Lass dir schmecken! Og velkommen hjem.
kyllyan said…
aaah, tak, jeg har masser af indlaeg at skrive om, jeg skal bare finde ud af at sortere dem eller dele dem ind i kategorier eller èt eller andet. Jeg vil osse gerne bibeholde dèt her nye udsyn paa det hele, man bliver saa hurtigt "vant til" og jeg vil heller blive ved med at undres lidt endnu =). Og tak for den gode vind - jeg synes godt nok her er meget af den, har Danmark altid vaeret saa blaesende ? (og ja ok, hvad ved du ? du sidder nok i lune Umbrien med et stykke torta al testoooooooo, piiiiiiiiv =)
kyllyan said…
Hejsa og tak for velkomsten =).
Ja jeg gaettede nok at det var noget med en fejl-ting saa medarbejdere ikke skal sidde og regne. Men hey, ja, du har ret, jeg har en Fakta lige neden for saa det er mest dèr jeg gaar rundt og undres disse dage. Uuuuuh, og naar jeg er faerdig med Fakta, skal jeg saa videre med Netto. Og Irma. Og og og og... =)
kyllyan said…
Hej susling, og tak for "spaendende laesning", det hele foeles lidt kaotisk lige nu og jeg vil gerne blive ved med at skrive saadan som jeg tager det ind.

Og ja jeg tror du har ret. Der skal kreativitet til, jeg vil gerne tro at det er dèt der blandt andet kendetegner min madlavning. Men samtidigt kender jeg nemlig slet ikke mange af de danske raavarer (netop rodfrugter som jeg kan finde hos min lokale groentpusher), og aner ikke hvordan de bruges saa det er bare at starte helt fra en ende af. Og saa selvfoelgelig lave mine italienske retter naar jeg ikke gider foele mig saa s*tans ueffen =).

Saa er kaerkomment, takker.

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