Plan B

Cannot even begin to conceive of the idea of not leaving for Italy, Wednesday. My flight is *not* one of those to be cancelled and if I am to get stuck somewhere, it will be in Italy with my best friends. I will be gone for a week and I am to laugh, cry tears of joy, talk, eat good food and drink fab wine in the company of people I love. After all. I haven't had a vacation (and seen my friends) for 7 months now and I would *break* if I weren't to go.

Glad we agree on that.

On a wholly different note; I have started to think about what I would do with *another week* of vacation if I had it and would want to pass it here in Denmark. I might sit down and finally start working on my showreel and update my CV a bit. While I am perfectly happy at the restaurant, I would like to get my hands on some small designjobs on the side. Or I might get in touch with some people I would like to see, but haven't really gotten round to seeing. Research a bit about singing with somebody somewhere, find out where I might horseback-ride near Copenhagen, spend another day by the ocean with my camera and have seafood-lunch. Go see my parents a couple of days and take long walks around Himmelbjerget. Paint those empty canvasses. Go out dancing and get sweaty and squiffy on bad drinks.  Put away my winterclothes and finally have all my summerclothes ready.

Oh, yeah. There would be lots of stuff to do, if I weren't leaving for Italy.


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