Perfect weekend

I had a perfect weekend.

Spa with all the wonderful treatments, loads of heavenly food and wine and lurve lurve lurve (nauseating, I know, but let me wallow in it just a while yet, it's still Sunday =) even though you know i'll post this Monday morning). He had the long massage (and woke himself snoring a couple of times=)) while I did the sauna-iceshower-stunt at least 4 times. I did the turkish bath, the tepidarium, the salt-therapy and then I walked on stones in the mini-jacuzzi (actually it's called a Kneipp but i like mini-jacuzzi better) supposedly re-activating my ... ehm... chakras ? No, wait - that was in the chromotherapy, and they were not re-activated, they were re-aligned. And colored in.


I'm taking the p*ss out of it, but fact is that I'm still soft and tender inside after a weekend with him, and obviously I have to take the weewee on something, to not admit that I miss him already. And the spa was perfect, it was the first time in my life I ever went to one.

I needed a weekend like that, just being spoiled and loved to pieces.

The Spa thing was Saturday, in the evening we went to Votapentole in Castiglione and had the whole menu di degustazione (tasting menu ???) . It included a revisited version of tuna, onion and beans (an italian classic, but a very rude, ugly and rustic one) with raw tuna, fine cut onion and a few, very slightly cooked beans. That's a very hard one to make pretty but they managed as usual and the fresh raw tuna was a elegant touch in a usual non-elegant dish.

A wonderful Sauvignon Blanc to go with all and the apple crumble with marsala icecream to finish. I couldn't eat another bite until I heard that the table next to us had the gorgonzola icecream... then I had to ask to try it as well. And it was worth it. It was not as good as the gorgonzola mousse I once had (and I will find the recipe, test it and post it here) but it was heaven anyway.

We both got tipsy-ish (a lot of giggling and caressing was going on) and went to bed early, only to wake up today to a wind-swept perfect blue sky. Even the weather was on our side, so he had this idea for lunch, to have a barbecue in the garden, he would cook, set the table, do the dishes and I could just sit and look pretty. Sounded fine with me.

So after lunch i slept yet again (i wonder if this is getting repetitive ? Maybe I ought to wonder whether he's getting bored) and off we went to Siena. Me to catch a train back home, and him to host (yet another) dinnerparty with friends.
And here I am in bed, with the softest skin ever and just a little tiny tweak of my heart, that he is not here with me.


Anonymous said…
Sounds nice :) I like your storytelling. It's very catchy.
kyllyan said…
oh it was wonderful.
And to think that I always wonder whether i'm boring. I realise I always ramble on about food and wine and stuff =).
Nix said…
gorgonzola icecream???
good heaven i missed that one...
though it sounds as if the cream went rancid...
is it a Hoscana's delikatessen?
i swear i've never heard of it before.
kyllyan said…
yes nick, gorgonzola icecream. No it's not a Tuscan staple, it's haute cuisine. Or nouveau cuisine. Or cuisine nouvelle.... something posh anyway. But heaven =).

As to you not hearing about it before... how do I put this nicely... ehm... You're not really one to seek out new exiting dishes unless they feature SOME HORRIFIC BRASILIAN SUGAR/SALT/PEPPER/MARMITE SUBSTITUTE, are you dear =)?

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