
...messed with my template and lost all my links to you bloggers out there
*hits her forehead with a flat loud hand*
Do not even have the time to fix it now as i am off to do my deviled chicken
*makes sense as she will swear her way to the supermarket*

patience, i will be back.


Anonymous said…
only one (1!) solution to the template fuck-up: use wordpress.

Anonymous said…
"- Intendo dire - disse Alice - che uno non può fare a meno di crescere.
- Uno forse non può - disse Humpty Dumpty - ma due possono. Con un aiuto adeguato, tu avresti potuto fermarti a sette anni."
(LEWIS CARROL, da "Alice nel pase delle meraviglie").
kyllyan said…
yeah, I know and the funny thing is that i have it installed already on several domains but just didn't get 'round to using it. Will have a look at it tonight.... (yeah right...=)
kyllyan said…

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