
I dreamt (amongst other things) that my bicycle and my purse was stolen.
Even though I tend to understand my dreams pretty well (I practise) I looked it up on It says (and confirm what i thought :

To dream that you are (sic) a victim of theft, indicates that others are wasting your time and stealing energy and ideas. Perhaps you feel robbed in some way.

To dream that you lost your purse, denotes loss of power and control of possessions. It also suggests that you may have lost touch with your real identity.

Interesting huh ?


penpal said…
Dreams are fascinating. I once dreamt that life was a dream and that I someday would wake up to my real emptyness. To find my spot in the sun taken. To see what others would already have cashed in. I know the feeling too well.
Hugs from DK
kyllyan said…
long time no see =).
Yeah, dreams are very fascinating. I tend to look at it this way (and i put it into words for my friend Nick who wrote me a very sarcastic mail about this post=)):

"You get a phonenumber, people call you. Whwn you listen to your dreams, you open a mental phonenumber to yourself and You speak to You. Simple."

And I really do believe it is that simple. It is no more complicated than yoga, meditation and stuff like that. You focus on you. And it works. It always works when you listen to you doesn't it ?

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