
I almost crashed on my bike this morning.
Yes, I go fast but I pay much attention to people and cars, as they don't pay attention to you. Part of the route to work (most of it) goes along the river, it is clearly marked as a bicycle-route put people will bring their dogs (without a leash), toddlers and grandfathers along for a quiet stroll. And my fingers will hurt by the time I get to work, from ringing my bell over and over and over to warn people I am coming.
This morning a guy was playing on his mountainbike, going fast-ish. I figured he had seen me as he looked back a couple of times and the visibility is perfect on that long stretch. He was taking up all of the space available, so when I was 10 m behind him I started to ring my bell furiously to let him know I was about to overtake him. He moved to the right without looking back and I sort of assumed he'd heard me and moved closer to get past him. He makes a huge curve to the left and almost (I hit the brakes and lose control one moment before I regain it and stop) crashes into me.
I yell something inarticulate (not really inarticulate, but it was in Italian. And not very nice. You get my drift) and *he* has the courage to yell "but you are going really fast". (In Italian as well obviously).

I bit my tongue and went on, a little less elegantly as I scraped my foot on my pedal. I swear I'll get one of these to mount on my bike:


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