I let him look at me. All of a sudden I felt him there, in the doorway of my little kitchen, felt him looking at me, my skin tingling a bit where his gaze passed over me. I hadn't heard him coming, though I was very aware of him moving around the apartment, very aware of his presence there with me. Aware of him moving around, looking at things, taking in my home with all of his senses. I had been inexplicably nervous about him coming here, had cleaned up very thoroughly and tried to see my home as he would see it. Inexplicably; because I am not one to be fazed easily. And now he was standing there in the doorway of my kitchen looking at me. And I let him look without acknowledging his presence there; leaning casually against the doorway. Much to my surprise I let him look at me working, grinding coffeebeans or whatever I was doing. Refusing to turn my head, meet his eyes and break the moment, when I suddenly got the impression that he knew, that *I knew* he was looking at me...
Hej =).
Nej, det er det ikke. Det er jo heller ikke saadan at de smager af saebe. Der kan vaere *nuancer* af saebe som er med til at skabe en smagsoplevelse og som, hvis det er overvaeldende, ikke er saa godt. Paa samme maade som chokolade kan ha' baer-nuancer eller en vin kan ha' tobak og laeder-nuancer. Det er noget jeg er helt vild med. Altsaa dufte og smage og den teoretiske del af det. Og jeg er helt pjattet med at der er andre som gaar saa meget op i det =). Det goer mig glad.