Quirky? me? never

I am not quirky! I have character and have developed certain habits.

I've have been tagged by styx.
This ought to be fun and revealing, though obviously I am very normal.

1. I don't like fish if it is served in the shape of a fish, or has been cooked in the shape of a fish. The (obvious and logical) exception is eel. Eel is not fish-shaped. Even though this aversion is perfectly normal i will explain:
I love the taste, the look and the perfume of fish. But when it is cooked (boiled, grilled, or put in the oven) whole (as in fish-shaped; see, there is a logic ?), the consistence becomes... dry and wooden. It falls apart (flakes apart) when you touch it with the fork and becomes dry and crumbly in my mouth. And I don't like that. Obviously this has created a few.... problems/misunderstanding/white lies throughout the years, say if a date invites me to dinner and plans on doing fish. How do I explain that i don't like fish-shaped fish without sounding... you know - quirky ?

2. I make little noises when I am very concentrated.
Try to breathe in, hold it for a while and then exhale with a little sound half-ways between nasal and a sigh. That's me. In the bus while i listen to music, in front of the computer when working or in my bed reading. Nothing weird though.

3. I need to eat every 2-3 hours. And I get very aggressive (sultensur) if I don't. It's just a habit, but one that I like (i love the sensuality of eating) and that I do nothing to get rid of. I don't eat much, but it is very normal to eat breakfast twice (one at home at 7 when I get up, one at the office at 9). Then I'll have a snack at 11, lunch at 12.30 and typically two snacks in the afternoon before I have dinner at 19. 

4. I absolutely love to drive and feel lucky that i didn't get my drivers license before i was 26 as I would have become a rally driver and killed myself.
But I don't own a car, I don't miss one, and I have way too much of a temper to want to really drive in the traffic.

5. Various foods influence my moods in a very tangible way. I get a high (giggling and laughing) from chocolate and sugars, i get raw energy from meat, i get... sensual fromraw fish, i miss fruit when I'm not having any and so on. My body tells me what to eat, and I like to think I have a very healthy relationship with food.

6. Oblique-striped clothing (shirts, ties ecc) makes me irritable. Don't ask me why; i don't know.

Bonusinfo that is not about quirkyness though as I really can't help it:
I am colourblind and I work as a graphic designer. Enough said. 

I tag takashimaya , miss hotpants , mesmerized , mebbe , stiletten og prinsessen

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Anonymous said…
fish in the shape of a fish... or a chicken in the shape of a chicken...

Solo un maestro gourmet può riuscire a farti mangiare ..a fish in the shape of a fish...
Anonymous said…
Thanks for tag - done it already :)
kyllyan said…
i *will* eat chicken in the form of a chicken, i love chicken. As for the fish in the shape of a fish.. nobody has done it yet so I wouldn't know =)

juhu, saa ved jeg godt hvad jeg skal lave nu =)
Anonymous said…
the fish thing i SO weird!

kyllyan said…
actually it makes sense to me. There's no other way to explain it. Fish in the shape of a fish.
It's about the feeling of it in my mouth. I have a thing with mushrooms as well, if they're cooked for too long, they become ...slimy (gross I know=)) in my mouth. Tragedy of course is that I love the taste of mushrooms and can often be seen ordering and *trying* to eat them, only to find out that they're ... slimy =).

But weird no.... quirky =)

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