Back on my feet

I have been sick. I am never sick, but when I am it is always due to stress. Nothing new this time around;  I have been stressed and a bit worried about moving here, getting myself sorted out financially, workwise and personally.
I already felt tired and wornout Friday (I even missed Kulturnatten =( but I only surrendered Saturday evening, went to bed, overheated and with a sore throat. And I woke up yesterday morning, feeling good enough to get up and lounge around the apartment. Sorting out the last clothes, doing a bit of laundry, cooking a bit of soup and then have frequent breaks and teas. 
Today I am totally back on my feet, feeling YEAH and ready to do my try-out-day at work. 
There really isn't much more to tell, (and I don't want to jinx anything by telling more, my Italian heritage shows its ugly face =)) - while I do my stuff, you might want to check out my (taaaaaaaaaa daaaaaaaaaaah here)

ALLTIME FAVOURITE BLOG: Luxirare. This chick does... magic with food and fashion. She is *so* creative it totally blows my mind. Every time. The blog features nothing personal about her and her life, only breathtaking elaborations, genius inventions and reinventions in food (you saw that coming, didn't you ?) and fashion. It is not that I find fashion less interesting, it is just very concept-y for my taste. The site is pretty image-heavy (and what images. She's quite the artist) and it might take a while to load, but have patience, it is worth the wait. I wish I had the time* and resources to pour that much passion, research, creativity and love into the making of pretty simple stuff basically. 
So go on, have a look: Luxirare.

*if i had the time I would probably piss it away anyway =)


penpal said…
Hold da op en flot side :) Tak for tippet :)
Heidi said…
Du spørger og du får :-)

Helt frivilligt er det naturligvis, men naturligvis vil du da være en af de første på listen!

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