Mama, I'm coming home

I am so so so ready to come home. I am all senses in order to soak up everything these last two months here. I feel like I'm drinking the sunshine, the weather, the sea, the flowers, the trees, the language, the colors and the perfumes. And stowing it away; as much I can take. I know coming back to Denmark will be hard; I'll be leaving my friends (painstakingly collected and cultivated) of 15 years, I'll be leaving a mentality I've gotten used to; a climate that I love and a language that is bound to fall apart little by little from not getting used much.

Of course I plan to make new friends, find a lovely job, a lovely apartment and get used to Danish weather. Heck, you've got Hygge when weather's bad right ? Candy, hot chocolate, movies (in English, oh bliss) and I even got someone to share it with.

But even if I know it's gonna be tough, I feel like this might be my biggest adventure to date. Who would have thought coming home could be the biggest adventure of all ? But I feel ready, up for the challenge. I can truly say I have gotten fed up with things here. The lack of innovation, the lack of hope, the lack of organisation, the laissez-faire mentality and the chaotic traffic. And more so since I made up my mind to come back. I will miss a lot of thing but obviously I plan to make loads of money in Denmark so I can come back on vacation in Italy, see my friends and stock up on Parma-ham, oliveoil, burrata, and real tomatosauce.

And I can't wait for that first month in Denmark, being with my love 24h a day, drop by my brother for a cup of coffee, roaming Copenhagen on my bike and getting to know it all. Soaking it all up.


Kirsten said…
I hope you will continue blogging; I'd love to hear how it feels moving back to DK (might do the same thing in 3 years time...)
kyllyan said…
Hej Kirsten, oh i do hope i'll keep blogging, *now* the fun starts =). Actually I have a new post coming about just that. =)
Pedrsn said…
Det blir da for fedt! :b og så er det Sgu bare så rart, sådan at læse hvor meget du bare glæder dig! . .hep
kyllyan said…
Ja, det bliver *saa* fedt. Og selv om jeg slet ikke kan faa armene ned og forsoeger at moderere min begejstring taenker jeg osse samtidigt: what for ? God energi kan man sku' da ikke faa for meget af og hvis det kan hjaelpe mig til at tage nogle (maaske uvaergelige) "slag", nogle kultur-chok, so be it.
Saa hep osse til dig !

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