Thanks II

He came back.
Circles are closing themselves these days indeed.

I took a deep breath and told him that while I hadn't been ready to date when he asked for my number, it had been very important to me, it had made my day, but that I (for various reasons) hadn't had the balls to acknowledge his request. But thanks. He looked me straight in the eye and said "that's all right".

Felt good.

On another note. As of yesterday, I have been back in Denmark for a year now. We celebrated at work with bubbly and I plan to celebrate a lot more, away from work. Wish me happy-coming-back-to-D-day =).


Leoparddrengen said…
I hope you have a happy coming-back-to-D-Day!
kyllyan said…
Hejsa =). Og tak, det betyder meget.
Hav nu en god dag.
Happy coming-back (yesterday)!

Jeg følger med interesse din tilbagevenden og dine overvejelser Italien vs. Danmark.
kyllyan said…
Hej Kirsten, og velkommen tilbage paa bloggen til dig =). Jeg skriver desvaerre ikke saa meget paa det sidste, men forsoeger at stramme mig lidt an =). Saa tak for interessen.

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