I have been on a detox "diet" since Friday. Actually it is the first time in my life that I watch what I eat, but as I definitely have a tendency to overindulge in anything good and felt a bit weak physically, I decided to give it a go. So i had all "good" stuff from Friday morning til Tuesday morning. Decoction of garlic (oh, my collegues loved that one =)), claywater , and Sole made from Himalayan Salt. All this every morning on an empty stomach. The rest of the day I would eat only vegetables, fruit, cereal and legumes, no dairy products, meat or white bread. I drank my usual 3 l of water and added up with tea. No alcool, but yes I had my morning coffee. And I didn't lay off the cigarettes. Anyway. I am not a fanatic and I have never done it. I just ate what seemed right and threw in a few extras. While it wasn't exactly funny (I love meat, pasta and fried stuff) it sure made a difference. I noted an improvement in all of my senses, it's hard to ex...