About first impressions

Actually the title is cheating a bit.
Well, ok a lot.
This is not really about first impressions, but about how a picture can give us an impression of a person.
A true or false impression; I hope to find out one day.

We were very very good friends, (or maybe I was more best friends than she was, it has happened before) we went to school together and then we lived together for a period. We went clubbing together, we laughed, cried and got drunk together and then I moved to Copenhagen and we sort of lost contact. Very normal, people outgrow each other, choose different lifestyles bla-bla-bla. We were... what, 17-18 years old.

Yesterday I found this best-friends' profiles on a social network site.
There wasn't a lot of information there, but there was one picture. She's looking straight into the camera, she looks like she's eating something, and she has *such* a cold look in her eyes. Like she's bored, or unhappy or just couldn't care less. Arrogant even. I'm probably reading a lot more into her picture (and this comes from me, that untill a few days ago had an almost-pissed look on *my* profile-picture-face, I know) and she's probably sweet, tender and funny just like she used to be. But I couldn't help thinking "whoa, she's changed" when I saw her.
I hope I'm wrong.


Anonymous said…
Selvfølgeligt kan man let overfortolke et foto - men det siger vel også noget, hvilket foto folk vælger at vise frem af dem selv? Det må da sige noget om, hvordan de ser sig selv..
kyllyan said…
@belle blues:
Hejsa =).
Ja, det mener jeg jo det goer (siger noget altsaa) idet jeg kan opfatte hendes foto saadan. Jeg var bare overrasket over at *jeg* kunne opfatte hendes saadan og overse at mig eget profil-face var lissaa ... hvad , usmilende, cool, whatever.. indtil for faa dage siden. Og jeg vil gerne bryste mig af ikke at falde for first impressions, men jeg roeg lige i =)

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